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Essays  ·  Poetry  ·  Comedy  ·  Art  ·  Video summer 2021
The Culture Report: Selected Sketches


· Sitting with Mama
· Maria
· Nine Crossings
· Mama and Her

· Fallopian Chron IV
· Why I Toast, I
· Why I Toast, II
· Why I Toast, III
· Scooter/Dot-Com
· Fallopian Chron II
· Fallopian Chron III
· Strange Bedfellow
· Almost Equal
· A Difficult Day
· Phantom Lover:
    Ode to
    Leslie Cheung

· I Am Salad
· Fallopian Chron I
· Taiwanglish
· Childhood's End
· Psychic Friends
· Life in the
    Time of SARS

· Waiting for
      the Goddess

· Roswell My Eye
· Catisfaction
· My Laramie Project
· Stopping on the
    Street for
    Coltrane: A Real
    Latter Day Saint

· Whither Moocat?
· Happy Palindrome!
· Happy Tiger
· Tourist for a Day
· Geography
    as Destiny

· "Bastards"
· Watching the
    Pentagon Burn

· Communing with

· Milk
· Infinity
· Emailing the Dead
· Broken Water
· Sand Shark
· Grandma Said
· Golden Days
· Americat
· Moe Howard on the
Death of His Brother,

· Flashpoems
· Minyan
· Inside Scoop
· Nativity
· I Ask My Mother
To Sing

· Absence of Colours
· Island Logic
· Peepshow Kleenex
· Allen Ginsberg
Forgives Ezra Pound
on Behalf of the Jews

· Lacing Your Shoes:
Haiku & the Everyday

· Four Haiku
· Smoking Haiku
· Geary & Jones,
Monday, 8:23 a.m.

· The Keeper
· december 13, 2001
· Memento Mori
· Football's Birthday
· The Edward Gorey

· Arrival
· Victim o'

· The Origin of
Teeth and Bones

· Questions for
Martins Ferry,

· This Is Just
To Tell You

· Not-Cat (& whatnot)
· To My Unmet Wife

· Englishhua
· Dave for Pope
· Papa Loves Mambo
· A Culture Report

· The Louisiana
A Special Radio X
Historical Docudrama

· Krawkawkaw Gives
a Little

· Meet Dr. Klaww
· Letters to Dr. Klaww
· Letter from the
Hall of Justice

· An Invitation
to be Keynote

· More

All Things

· Gajandra Meets
    the Scatoman

· Gajandra and
    the Curse of the
    Six Monkeys

· Gajandra and the
    Eating Lesson

· A Moment of

· Gajandra and the
    Great Rumble

· Gajandra and the
    Problem with

· Mohamed Tahdaini
· John Guillory
· Berkeley Pier
· Bruce Dene
· Death of The Bayou
· Taiwan Food Vendors
· John Freeman
· Robin Liu
· Hector
· Dave's Corner
· Zuni Kachinas

· Mainland Murmurs
· Next to Heaven
  · Episode #8

  · Episode #16
· Crosswords Brunch


Moo archives...
· Essays
· Comedy
· Poetry
· Art
· Video
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The Culture Report was a charming, unfunded, ungraded student comedy effort that arose organically at Louisiana State University in the early 1980s. Its 20- to 30-minute compilations of taped radio comedy sketches aired weekly, on Thursday nights at 9:30. We met on Tuesday nights to plan the show and regularly put in an all-nighter on Wednesday nights to record it. I wrote some 100 or so sketches for that show over three semesters and performed in many others.

These few samplings offer some of the sketches I wrote (and one written by Michael Chambers -- "Spiked Heels"). Because they don't reflect the natural mixture of different comedic voices, these sketches don't really capture the original feel of the show, but hopefully they offer some small glimpse of the silliness endemic to the effort.

A Word About Context

Folks, this is a sampling of what college radio comedy was like (ahem)... FORTY years ago! Consider it a history lesson, and not so much "comedy" per se. And please, always keep in mind... MeToo's Grandpa wasn't even born yet then!

. in MP3 Format.
1. 'Sexy Theresa' intro (2:56)
2. That's Ridiculous (2:11)
3. Faulty Genetics (2:05)
4. Bedtime in Czechoslovakia
5. Body Measurements (1:56)
sound 6. The Education of Mick Poop (5:30)
1. Spiked Heels (2:38)
2. William F. Buckley (0:56)
3. Boffo Noises (2:06)
4. Kids with 'Physical'
5. Hypoglycemic Love (2:27)
6. Those Good Old
      Culture Report Skits

The show evolved from an original, one-man show by a then-WPRG student DJ into a full-fledged weekly sketch comedy half-hour (or so). Writers and performers of the Culture Report radio comedy show during my stint included: Steve Carleton, Michael Dean Chambers, Kim Coleman, Jeff DeMouy, Nicole Guerrin, John Moranski, Ed Mosley, Burk Murray, Theresa Regan, David Saia, Dan Sonnier, and John Wohlbruck, with occasional guest voices (Joy Sonnier, Eugene Benoit, and many others) and contributors and with the generous sound-engineering help of kind volunteers, primarily Mike... something (if you know, please email me, and I'll add it! .

— David Saia

David Saia grew up in southern Louisiana and is a proud Bayou Cajun. If he ever meets that "Mo Martin" Prairie Cajun again in the swamps, he will punch him in the eye, I can tell you that!

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